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a guide to

E A S Y soupmaking

W H Y soupmaking?

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, people across the world have turned to cooking and baking to alleviate stress, use up some free time, and (perhaps subconsciously) exercise at least some control during what's proven to be a very uncontrollable time. Unsurprisingly, estimates show that nearly 70% of households have been cooking more meals at home due to the pandemic. 


And we all might be onto something. Preliminary research shows that cooking has helped people relax during the pandemic. Soup, specifically, has been considered a "catch-all panacea" for generations now — and it too has been relied on during this time of crisis. 


In that spirit, use this website as a resource on how to make soup out of whatever you have in stock at home. Because soupmaking might just help you feel better during this time — and every season of life that comes after. 

Our Chefs
Fresh Produce
Fresh Produce


"Soup is cuisine's kindest course.

It breathes reassurance; it steams consolation..."   


— Louis Pullig De Gouy

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PHOTO CREDIT: All photos on this website are from the Wix media library or the author, Paige Fowler. 

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